Christian slept all night last night!
But I'm not that encouraged. Yesterday, Dan had an awful time getting him down for naps. I think he only slept an hour during the day. So I put him down at 8:30-ish for bed. I went to bed shortly after (just to make sure I had some solid blocks of sleep). And at 4AM I woke up with a start. I went to his crib and had to wake him up to nurse. I did so because I was scared he'd wake up for the day within the hour. But he didn't. He fell asleep again (he didn't really wake up while nursing) until 6:30!!!
I haven't felt that rested in so long. What a blessing!
I just pray that this is a shift in his sleep patterns. Though, I don't want Dan to suffer just so I can sleep well.
Christian is 8 months tomorrow. He's really trying to crawl. And he's just so active and fun. He's starting to cuddle more and to reach for us. It's sweet.
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