Friday, July 31, 2009

17 months - that sounds too close to 18 months...

Hi people!
Some news to flash: Christian is getting so big! He survived our move - the first few weeks were hard but I think he's become acclimated to our new digs. We too are a bit more relaxed now - we know where to shop, where to walk and are learning where to eat! This part of our life has improved - more variety - and also become worse - more variety = more temptation = more giving in, spending money, more calories! Argh! :)

Christian is becoming his own little person, little boy. He understands way more than we think and challenges us a lot! We are still grappling with the whole discipline how's and when's and why's. I think it'll be endless...

He says a lot of words now: boat, train, elmo, eye, nose, no (his favorite), momma (but not when I want him to say it), daden (daddy), meow (another favorite:)...

He's a joy and also not so much sometimes - like when he tips over the garbage on purpose.

I can't believe he'll be 17 months on August 8 - that's almost 11/2, almost 18 months! That sounds totally old! No longer a baby...

But I have to admit I don't think I'm ready for another. Well, the Lord's timing on that one!
