Friday, September 12, 2008

Growth spurt withdrawal

So Christian has been on a growth spurt. It abruptly stopped earlier this week. He is sleeping a little better, but his eating has changed. He no longer likes solids very much and it's a fight for Dan to feed him even 4oz of milk with the bottle. Fickle little guy! Once we get in a groove he changes his rhythm. Not fair! Dan is struggling. He is coming up on deadlines and needs Christian to be more cooperative, but he's a baby! We don't want to learn these lessons now - just want things to work. I'm just glad it's Friday so I can be home to help out a little more.

Monday, September 8, 2008

6 months...

Christian is 6 months old today. At the pediatrician's, we found him to be 75% height and weight and 85-90% head circumference! Big head!
He has learned so much! And every little thing we try to notice, but often don't write it down before he learns something more.
He is now eating rice and oatmeal cereal, and purees of peas, carrots and bananas. Needless to say, his bowel movements have changed - in color, texture, and DEFINITELY odor:)
He moves toys from hand to hand. Grips toys with both hands and bangs them. Shakes his rattle like he wants to kill it (which is hilarious). He rolls and rolls - even in his sleep, which makes him wake up crying. Flipping from tummy to back still involves banging his head - he has to develop the graceful landing still.
He is so curious and now notices individuals and different settings.
So much to record, but even now I'm not remembering all I wanted to note...