Friday, November 21, 2008

Cold and colder

Christian has his third cold. I think. And I think it's because he was in the church nursery this past Sunday. Sad, because it's so nice to give him the chance to interact with other babies and because we get to interact with our peers. But it's almost worth not putting him in the nursery so that the rest of the week isn't messed up. Oi!

And colder - the winter is already here! I am excited for holiday things but the 20 degree days are so uncool! That's January weather, not November!!! I never know if Christian is warm enough at night or when we go for walks, etc. Another Oi!

But we are flying to Sacramento on Tuesday to visit with Dan's parents and sister. We aren't looking forward to the flight, but the weather and vacation time will be SO appreciated. I wish we were staying longer than the 5 days. Oi Oi! :)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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