Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Discipline - define that please

So just a quick update on the weaning...Christian decided himself that he was done! I was nursing him one night last week. While he was nursing, he bit me. I yelled; he got scared and cried. From that point on, he refused to nurse. I tried the next morning and then the next evening just to see if it was indeed a cold turkey move. The last time I got situated, he hid his face under his blankey!! Talk about rejection! :) But in a way, I'm glad it wasn't a longer process than that. He seems fine, though I have noticed that he snuggles a lot more with me - he does the mom's apron strings hug where he comes up behind me and hugs my legs while I'm standing. Very cute!

So weaning is weaned! Now on to the next big learning curve - discipline! He is a spirited boy who has a quick temper and frustration limit. Yesterday, his sippy cup was upside down and because he couldn't get the milk out he got angry and bit down hard on it! Tantrum!

Dan and I are discussing our discipline strategies - the whole gamut: time outs, removal techniques, spanking, etc. I'm looking into the evangelical press books as well as some secular (specifically the Supernanny). It's definitely a topic that begs prayer!

One of our current challenges is throwing food from his chair. I tell him not to; he looks at me and does it again! Stinker!!

Will keep you updated...

Conversationally, he is gathering more and more words and sounds. At the moment I'm forgetting some new ones. I'll have to start a list when I'm around him at home...

I still miss him while at work and hope that more time will be portioned in the future. The time goes by so fast! Dan was gone in DC from Wednesday to Sunday and he even said that Christian is a whole new person!

Last item: his molars are finally coming through. The first couple broke through last week. I just pray that he has some relief. It's been a rough, long episode.

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