Yesterday after Julian awoke from his afternoon nap, we mobilized everyone - which is an event in itself - and walked out of our air conditioned apartment into the hot and humid streets of Chicago, our destination being Evanston, a suburb situated to the north of our Ravenswood residence. We made our way to the Red Line Wilson stop. This stop is not handicap accessible and so we had to schlep the kids and the bags and stroller up to the platform. We then caught a train right away and started chugging through the north side neighborhoods until the city limits. During this trip the boys were very excited to look out the window at the buildings and trees zooming by. Christian seemed enchanted by it; Julian was wanting a little more liberty than his little body could handle (not yet good at balancing even when walking).
When we reached Howard, we got off and had to find the Purple Line shuttle bus, since the train line was under repair. The bus wasn't as cool as the train, of course. But we got to sit directly behind the bus driver and Christian thought this was a pretty big deal. All of humanity got on the bus with its smells, colors, languages, and dress. But the boys weren't into anthropology - just city scaping and shoving each other!
We jumped off the bus in downtown Evanston and walked a few blocks to the book store where we visited the juvenile book section, not for the literature but for the train table. Yes, this is an excursion we often make. Sometimes we read and buy books too:) But this was to be a short visit - we had a movie showing to make! Yes, we all went to see Madagascar 3 (not 3D)! The boys were so excited to go, but more so because they were going to have candy and popcorn! What a treat to have a whole bag of goodness to mindlessly (or mindfully) enjoy in the fistfuls.
Following the craziness of the movie, which not only involved the crazy storyline and characters but also the Koehler family craziness of climbing, spilling food and beverages, and going potty, etc., we left relatively the same as when we came. Julian alone had soaked himself with water. But a visit to the facilities refreshed that and everyone else.
We made our way to not the EL this time but the Metra. The Metra is a commuter train that unlike the EL has its own engine and has 4-5 double-decked coaches. Now, we walk to see these trains almost on a daily basis. Our boys call them the 'Ding Ding' trains due to the bell that dings when it arrives and leaves each station. Moreover, when Christian was a baby Dan and he would often take the Metra Electric District line. But doesn't remember these jaunts. So the Ding Ding train has become this unknown wonderful phenomenon that is only seen and heard at somewhat of a distance. Well this became realized yesterday when we took the Union Pacific North home from Evanston. Christian and I minded the gap and then climbed onto the train. He noticed immediately that there were two levels and he was insistent that we go upstairs to sit. So we did and boy did his face glow for the 15 minutes or so that we swayed, and chugged, and ding-dinged through the neighborhoods and tree tops as if flying.
Flash forward to bed time: we were praying and I asked him what he liked most about the day, listing the movie and popcorn. He said with a face glowing with joy, "The Ding Ding train where we rode on top and could see everything."